The new year began with a brief warm-up and periods of high winds, but by the end of the week, temperatures were back to seasonable ...
It’s nice to see a more typical winter with overnight lows in the -20°C range. I find the dead of winter is when I get ...
This is the week before Donald Trump’s inauguration in the United States, and our neighbors are wondering if he will come through on his 25% ...
This week, we saw some very cold temperatures, with lows dipping into the -20s around Wasaga Beach and into the -30s in my hometown of ...
We’re enjoying a traditional Canadian winter this year. Walking down snowmobile trails along the beach is hard, so I’ve mostly been walking down Shore Lane, ...
We’re certainly having a more traditional winter this year with snow almost every day. The only downside is that the deep show makes it hard ...
This year will probably be remembered for record snowfall around the Great Lakes. After several years of seeing grass in the middle of winter, it ...
We’ve had some cold daytime highs this week, and on Sunday, Feb 16th, we nearly reached -30C°, which is unusually cold for South Georgian Bay. ...
We had another significant storm late in the week that closed Highway 26 and made some of the roads around the beach impassable. I ran ...