Sometimes this time of year the weather rarely changes. You notice most days we hovered just below freezing with overcast skies. The air temperature is moderated by the large body of water so close by. We had a couple of good snow squalls this week (see the Wednesday pictures below), but not a lot of accumulation.
Despite it being March break the beach was surprisingly empty probably because the winds made it feel colder than it was. Lots of families spending time at their summer homes on Shore Lane.
Sunday, March 11th, 2018 – I like to periodically take pictures of this wonderful home at the east end of Shore Lane to see how the Canadian flag exposed to the wind is doing. Looks like we’ve lost another one! I’m sure they go through two or three flags per year.Monday, March 12th, 2018 – An overcast day looking across the ice toward the Blue Mountains. As you can see in the foreground the sand is swept clear of snow again.Tuesday, March 13th, 2018 – It was wet across the beach. We had some snow overnight that hasn’t had a chance to melt yet or get blown awayWednesday, March 14th, 2018 – Today was a little more interesting! Relatively warm but snow squalls and strong north winds blowing snow across the beach.Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 – Looking toward the far shore in Collingwood as I usually do. Nothing to see today but a blizzard driven by strong winds.Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – Back to the normal dull weather for this time of year. It was actually quite windy, but there is no snow on the surface to blow and the ice extends as far out as the eye can see (the ice extended out quite a distance over the past 48 hours)Friday, March 16th, 2018 – Similar to Wednesday except much windier and colder. It was only a few degrees below freezing but the wind chills were awful. I cut it short and turned around near 13th street because it was just unpleasant and easier to walk on the street sheltered from the wind.Saturday, March 17th, 2018 – Today was kind of spectacular. The north winds have been strong and in places snow and sand are intermixed. You could swear the snow is sand, but these are snow drifts with a coating of sand on them. This picture was taken near the beach exit at the east end of Shore Lane looking south from the beach.Saturday, March 17th, 2018 – There was more snow overnight – the footprints you see are mine (and someone else’s apparently although I didn’t see them) from my eastward walk as I backtrack walking west from Beach one. Goes to show how few people are nutty enough to walk down the beach all winter.