Lots to see this week with windy days, kite sailors and lots of wildlife out and about. As soon as the summer residents leave Shore Lane the fox and raccoons are all over.
Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 – I skipped a few days posting pictures to capture the more interesting pictures. High winds on Sept 26th.Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 – Cool to see people flying an Ontario flag. Taken just east of 18th street. I’m going to do the same.Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 – Kite boarders were out again today. Their speed is insane. I need to get better at posting videos to show how fast they are moving. Texted these pics to my cousin-in-law Jo Mann.Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 – the sail is so far in the air it is tough to spot the kite boarder.Thursday, September 27th, 2018 – looking at some of the favorite properties on Shore Lane.Friday, September 28th, 2018 – the north west winds were insane today – this is what seagulls do when the winds are too strong to fly. They hunker down, beaks pointed into the wind.Friday, September 28th, 2018 – high winds again today – looking towards Blue Mountains across the bay.Friday, September 28th, 2018 – Since moving to Wasaga Beach we see Turkey vultures all the time flying over the beach and also over our house. They are distinctive because of their – up to a six foot wingspan.Saturday, September 29th. 2018 – High winds and waves continue. Must be Fall.Saturday, September 29th. 2018 – Property just east of 19th street on the beach (presently listed on realtor.ca)Saturday, September 29th. 2018 -walking back through the provincial part near beach two to avoid the high winds. A beautiful Fall day.Saturday, September 29th. 2018 – I met this guy before standing in a field two weeks ago. Shore Lane is quiet with most residents out of town. the wildlife has reclaimed the street.