Beach drive is covered with sand this year because of high water on Georgian Bay.
Monday, December 23rd, 2019 – Looking across the Nottawasaga Bay from 16th street on a mild Monday morning. This ice is still hanging in along the shore. The debris in the foreground is from earlier storms that have eroded the waterfront.Tuesday, December 24th, 2019 – This is the drainage culvert near 17th street N. The town had to bring in heavy equipment to keep the storm sewers clear. Waves and high water have resulted in the shore being covered with ice chunks making it difficult to walk along most sections of the beach.Wednesday, December 25th, 2019 – Taken looking east from near 13th street towards beach one. It’s tough walking down the beach with so much ice along the shore, but I managed to walk my regular route from 18th street to beach one and back. The grass on the right use to slope gently to the shore, but high water and waves have created “cliffs of sand”.Thursday, December 26th, 2019 – Taken looking east from near 16th street.Friday, December 27th, 2019 – This is the eastern boardwalk near the main beach looking west. You can see what a mess the high water has made of the beach with snow and sand pushed up against the boardwalk and logs and organic debris thrown on-shore. During high winds, snow mixes with sand and drifts across the boardwalk and when the snow melts only the sand remains.Friday, December 27th, 2019 – The water is not high today because winds are from the south, but as this picture shows, Beach One is a mess. This is normally a roadway, but the beach has taken over with waves reaching all the way to the shops when winds are from the northwest. Sandbags are protecting the low-lying store fronts, but I’ve got to assume there is some water damage inside these businesses. The town has closed beach drive for the winter. There is no use trying to clean things up given the high-water.Saturday, December 28th, 2019 – Today I walked out to the far-east end of Wasaga Beach towards the river outlet. This picture taken looking west from sand-covered parking lots.