There is still lots of summer weather ahead, but the last week of August always feels like the end of summer. Back to school early next week. Don’t tell my younger son – He knows it is happening but he showing signs of being in denial.
Sunday, August 26th, 2018 – looking west across the bay toward Collingwood. This picture taken from the beach near 18 street.Sunday, August 26th, 2018 – The picture above reminds me of the iconic group of seven paintings. Most people associate these wind-blown pines with conditions along Georgian Bay north of here, but we get the same dynamic. Today was still, but you can see how the tree has “grown up” in steady northwest winds.Tuesday, August 28th, 2018 – looking west from near 13th at beachgoers and fellow beach walkers.Tuesday, August 28th, 2018 – Walking down from the east end of Shore Lane near 13th street to the beach on a well-worn trail.Tuesday, August 28th, 2018 – Back home, we watched an awesome sunset from our front yard.Thursday, August 30th, 2018 – Crap. I was just bragging to friends planning a trip to Wasaga Beach for the long weekend how pristine the waters are. Apparently not today. In my ~ three years walking the beach most days, I haven’t seen this before. These signs across the beach every few hundred meters. People have been talking about how warm the water is – big red flag I guess 🙂Thursday, August 30th, 2018 – The temperatures have cooled and the water is moving again so I’m pretty sure this nonsence about bacteria will be short-lived as fresher water moves onshore.Friday, August 31st, 2018 – The ducks are back. Strange – I haven’t more than a few ducks all month (all seagulls) and today the ducks were back in large numbers,Friday, August 31st, 2018 – Walking back from Beach one on a beautiful Friday evening before a long weekend. As I said before, I’m always amazed how empty large sections of the beach are even at the busiest times.Friday, August 31st, 2018 – I somehow missed this sculpture on the beach walking east, but caught it on my return trip. There are no contests going on. Somebody with a lot of skill decided to carve a mermaid on the beach just for fun. The pictures don’t do it justice – a work of art sadly left for the elements to destroy. (I walked the same route ~ 14 hours later Saturday AM and sadly this piece of work was complete washed away).Saturday, September 1st, 2018 – We have out of town friends coming in today staying near beach one. The water quality advisory is lifted which is great news for long-weekend crowds. Mid morning walking east, you can still see mist.Saturday, September 1st, 2018 – By late morning walking west, the fog is burning off. Waiting for the onslaught of beach goers that tend to hit around noon on a Saturday of a long weekend!