This week the leaves are probably at their peak. Unfortunately we’ve had a lot dull days without Sun and it’s been hard to appreciate the colors.
Several days this week we’ve had trace amounts of snow in the morning and the temperatures warm up through the day. We continue to get windy weather and strong west or northwest winds.
Sunday, October 21st, 2018 – Looking across the bat towards Collingwood on a typical mid October day with cool west winds. The waves were not as high as last week and there was still lots of sand to walk on.Sunday, October 21st, 2018 – The same day I took a second walk along Blueberry trail to get out of the wind. There are approximately 30 kilometers of trails and I only met one person on Sunday. Some days this time of year you don’t meet anyone.Monday, October 22nd, 2018 – The wind was calmer today. You can see how high the waves have been coming up on the sand in this picture taken near beach two looking east towards beach one. A few days ago you could not walk here because the waves were coming up to the grass.Monday, October 22nd, 2018 – the wind apparently claimed this tree that someone has started to cut up and take away. This pictures taken between 13th street and Shore Lane close to the waterfront.Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018 – looking west from near 17th street on a grey, rainy day.Thursday, October 25th, 2018 – Thursday morning we woke up to another dusting of snow but the snow was all gone by the time I got down to the beach around noon.Thursday, October 25th, 2018 – The provincial park authorities have been grading the beach. I assume this is because the water is so high and they are wanting to widen it and get rid of all the roots under the sand. Today I had to walk right along the waters edge where the sand was still packed down.Thursday, October 25th, 2018 – These are the red maples in our front yard early afternoon with the colors pretty much at their peak. Someone has to pick up all these leaves in the next few weeks and I think that’s me!Thursday, October 25th, 2018 – Taken around 5:00 PM just before the sun set from our front yard looking north west.Friday, October 26th, 2018 – On Friday another grey day. The beach was deserted again and I had the beach two boardwalk all to myself.
Saturday was cold and windy again so I decided to stay off the beach and hike down the Blueberry Trail system. I took a long route and followed the High Dunes trail. You can find a map of the Blueberry Trail System here.
Saturday, October 27th, 2018 – This picture taken on a hilly section of the Pine Trail before making my way over to the High Dunes trail.Saturday, October 27th, 2018 – Believe it or not, these big hills are sand dunes on the High Dunes trail. We have Dunes like this just like it north of our house that protects us from the worst of the wind in winter.Saturday, October 27th, 2018 – This is a shelter at the backside of the high dunes trail near an emergency walk out to Klondike Park road. I have yet to follow the trail to Klondike Park road. The small shed stores firewood and the large cabin above is a shelter.
A map of the Blueberry Trail system is shown below. These cabins are located on the High Dunes trail on the lower right section of the icon below, one of two shelters on the trail.
Blue Berry Trails MapSaturday, October 27th, 2018 – inside the shelter on the high dunes trail. At one time it looks like there was a woodstove in here until people probably realized that starting fires back here unsupervised was asking for trouble.Saturday, October 27th, 2018 – near the shelter on the High Dunes trail the landscape is unusually flat.