Weather data for the Wasaga Beach weather station was not available this week, so some of these temperatures are from the Clearview station ( a few miles west across Georgian Bay. How far the weather station is from the water has a surprising effect on temperature.
Tuesday, August 11 – A perfect day looking west across the beach from the park at 13th street. In the spring, the high water carved a six foot “drop” at this point along the beach, but it has been collapsing through the summer and feels more like a slope now.Friday, August 14th, 2020 – This picture taken from the near 16th street. A paddleboarder and a kayaker enjoying a trek down the beach.Friday, August 14th, 2020 – Usually I take pictures looking (northwest) towards the water. This picture is taken from the beach looking (southeast) toward cottages and homes along Shore Lane at 16th street.Saturday, August 15th, 2020 – The beach was busy once again today. I wouldn’t call it packed however. Still lots of parking.Saturday, August 15th, 2020 – Beach area one and Saturday morning as the crowds roll in from the Toronto area.